A project promoted by the Regional Government of Castile and León in Spain that provides a new boost to the modernisation process of its Social Services.
Altia has participated in a project of the Regional Government of Castile and León for the creation of ‘digital care homes’. Altia has been in charge of the Technical Office for this first pilot project and was subcontracted by Datio Software for the videoconference and wanderer control pilot projects.
Isabel Blanco, head of the Regional Department of Family and Equal Opportunities, announced an investment of 4.8 million euros in the digitalisation of the entire network of public care homes for the elderly, the disabled and dependent persons, as well as day care centres for adults and minors, and assessment and care units for disabled and dependent persons. The project will give a new boost to the process of modernising the Social Services and implementing the Dependent Care 5.0 model. Its ultimate goal is to improve the protection of the most vulnerable and to improve their well-being and quality of life.
The first steps in the implementation of this initiative were taken at the beginning of last year with the installation of WiFi networks in the first 38 care homes for the elderly and people with disabilities.
This technology facilitates connectivity between residents and their families (e.g. via videoconferences) and has proved particularly useful during the months of lockdown and isolation caused by the pandemic, helping to combat loneliness among the elderly.
It also enables wireless connection between the management systems of different care homes, making it an essential tool for the care home workers, who can use and consult applications to support their daily tasks.
Once this first step, called ‘Digital care homes of Castile and León’, has been implemented, the next step consists in finding new applications for this technology. In this context, the Benavente nursing home was chosen for the development of two pilot projects, which the Regional Department of Family and Equal Opportunities plans to extend to its entire network of care homes.

Visit to the Benavente nursing home (Zamora in Castile and León).
Monitoring of people with disorientation issues: control of wanderers
It allows permanent monitoring of user location via wireless networks, especially in critical environments such as exit areas or other potentially dangerous or life-threatening areas. The software enables almost real-time, centralised management of alerts to the care home’s staff, alarms, door control and the activation of appropriate protocols.
Tests for the upcoming implementation of remote care
The second pilot project that is already being tested at Benavente is a platform to expand the internal network of the Regional Government of Castile and León and connect the care home and healthcare management systems. This will soon make telemedicine possible, i.e. remote interaction between doctor and patient in order to provide diagnostic or therapeutic advice through electronic means.
European Resilience funds as a driver of digitisation
The head of the Regional Department of Family and Equal Opportunities has placed these projects within the framework of the new Dependent Care 5.0 system, which is being promoted by the Regional Government of Castile and León, presided by Mañueco. She has described it as “an example of modern and forward thinking” for the management of Social Services.
This model is based on research, development and the application of new technologies to individualised long-term care for people with support needs, whether in care homes or in their own homes, in order to improve the quality of care and their well-being.
For its deployment, Castile and León will take advantage of the possibilities offered by the European funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which are key to strengthening this commitment to quality social care, advancing the digitalisation of care, improving information and communication tools, implementing new technologies and developing technical aids that promote autonomy and protect the dignity of vulnerable populations.
Altia attended the demonstration of the practical applications together with the representatives of the Regional Government of Castile and León, as well as its partners Vodafone and Satec.