The integration of applications will continue to be one of the fundamental pillars in all areas throughout this year, 2020. Electronic public procurement takes centre stage.
Application integration will continue to be one of the pillars of e-procurement throughout this year, 2020. This will happen because its users, mainly administrative technicians, have already become accustomed to the use of electronic platforms to carry out their activity relating to the processing and electronic tendering of procurement dossiers.
Integration with electronic notification systems, registries, accounting applications and common signature and signature holder platforms, or sending information to the competent regulatory bodies will serve to reduce the (non-productive) workload, while avoiding errors in the manual loading of information into the different systems.
In parallel to the above, new players are entering the competition which, like the exchange of information in DEUC format, will make it easier for foreign companies to submit bids, opening the door to greater competition from bidders.
Our projects
Public administrations are transforming themselves to offer a better service to citizens. Part of this modernization comes from electronic contracting, which has been mandatory since March 2018, as defined in Law 9/2017 of 8 November or the Public Sector Contracts Law.
Altia has accompanied institutions such as the Bank of Spain,, Aena and the Galician Government in the project to install and implement an electronic tendering system.
With Mercurio, our Electronic Bidding and Notification solution, public agencies can address compliance with the 9/2017 LCSP law, and ensure that contracting processes are carried out in an integrated manner through electronic means. Thus, public bodies achieve: cost reduction, process improvement, increased transparency and safety, and reduced environmental impact.
Mikel Gómez González, Project Manager