This week, the First Altia Premia jury of the ETSE, made up of professionals from Altia and the ETSE itself (the University of Santiago de Compostela's School of Engineering), have selected the five TFGs (final undergraduate project) that will compete for the first prize.
The five finalists are Andrés Gómez Vidal, Jacobo Casas Ramos, Marcos Fernández Pichel, Sergio Rey Blanco, Silvia Rodríguez Alcaraz; and they will have to defend their TFGs(final undergraduate project) in front of a tribunal on January 23, 2020 at the Altia facilities.
This joint initiative of Altia and the ETSE was created with the aim of rewarding the talent, passion and effort of the new digital talent of students in the 2018/2019 academic year of the Degree in Computer Engineering, so the winner will be rewarded with a prize of 1,500 euros.