The digitization of sectors, Smart Projects, digital administration, and the strengthening of new trends in ICT complete Altia’s digital approach.
With the aim of providing customers with more efficient and cost-effective methods to meet the challenges in consulting services, development and maintenance of advanced technology solutions and services Altia has presented their new digital approach, which brings together innovative solutions so that companies in any sector can overcome the challenges of the digital era.
Altia offers a complete portfolio of solutions that bring together the capabilities of the company in terms of digital strategy and that allows to accelerate the transformation of our customers by enhancing their leadership in the digital market, independently of the sector or activity to which they are attached. To achieve this, Altia's digital Transformation vision includes data management, omni-channel Internet of Everything (IoE), Smart projects or cybersecurity among others.
"Digital transformation is the most important challenge facing Spanish companies to be competitive in the short and mid term. The demands of our customers are going in this direction and from Altia we fufill this need. Our goal is for companies to have a technological partner to accompany them in the evolution towards digitalization" , said Tino Fernández, President of Altia. “With this new positioning, we are committed to accompany our clients in their process of digital revolution and the integration of the latest technologies in our developments and solutions,” commented Fernández.

Altia is already present in public administration projects, digitization of sectors, Smart projects and new ICT trends and has numerous success stories that support the growing demand for tools for digital transformation. Such is the case of the EPO (European Patent Office), where Altia is one of the five firms approved in the provision of technological services; the new computer development of the National Employment Exchange (BNE) of Chile, under the Ministry of Employment and Social Security; the electronic bidding system of the Bank of Spain; the platform for the integration of Iberostar reserves; or the implementation of different Smart Projects, such as the recently awarded Smart Lugo project.
Good results and perspectives
Altia today, after almost 25 years, is a consolidated and independent company that is committed to the technological transformation and talent, thanks to the commitment of its more than 1000 professionals, who bring more than 500 clients to a new digital world.
With a turnover of 65 million euros in 2017, Altia is listed, since 2010, in the Alternative Stock Market (MAB) in the segment of companies in expansion. Currently, it is part of the IBEX MAB® 15, one of the 15 with the highest contracting volume.
During the first semester of 2018, the degree of execution of Altia Business Plan has exceeded 50% in practically all the main figures o their income statement. The company closed the first half of this year with a turnover of 34.9 million euros, which represents an increase of 18.7% in relation to the same period of 2017.
The net amount of the turnover expected for December 31, 2018 is 69.3 million euros with an Ebitda Margin of 13.4% and a Net Margin of 9.1%, figures that can be obtained if the execution in the second semester follows the same parameters as those obtained during the first part of the year.
“The results of the Group in 2017, both in volume and profitability, demonstrate the consistency of the business model,” noted Ignacio Cabanas, chief financial officer of Altia.
Strategic plan 2020
Altia groups its income into seven main lines of business: outsourcing and maintenance, the main line of business characterized by its recurrence, which accounts for 75% of the total revenue; managed services, provided through the activity of its Data Centers; provision of hardware and software infrastructures, a line that has grown since the purchase and absorption last year of a company of the group that was exclusively dedicated to this activity; development of computer applications; and technology consulting; own solutions and implementation of third-party IT solutions, the rest of the percentage is distributed.
Looking ahead to 2020, the company has established some fundamental pillars to promote sustained long-term growth. First of all, by boosting profitability and solidity to maintain margins and undertake new investments. On the other hand, undertake an internationalization phase taking advantage of the knowledge and experience acquired in our European and Latin American projects. In this sense, the company will continue to establish a line of alliances with large companies in the sector and with startups as well as collaborations with partners that provide specific knowledge. Finally, the commitment to talent and innovation will continue to be key in the company's strategy. Thus, the company presents an innovative and global approach, based on the growth of its people, which provide the necessary talent to place it as a benchmark in the cutting-edge projects of the sector.
“Innovation is part of our DNA, we do not understand the implementation of a project without a global and disruptive vision, because our goal is to put our customers at the forefront of technology,” said Alberto Loureiro, director of Altia Madrid.
De cara al 2020, la compañía ha establecido unos pilares fundamentales para impulsar un crecimiento sostenido a largo plazo. En primer lugar, potenciando la rentabilidad y la solidez que permita mantener los márgenes y emprender nuevas inversiones. Por otro lado, acometer una fase de internacionalización aprovechando los conocimientos y experiencia en los proyectos de Europa y Latam. En este sentido, la compañía seguirá estableciendo una línea de alianzas con grandes empresas del sector y con startups así como colaboraciones con partners que aporten un conocimiento específico. Por último, la apuesta por el talento y la innovación seguirá siendo clave en la estrategia de la compañía. Así, la compañía presenta un enfoque innovador y global, basado en el crecimiento de sus personas, las cuales aportan el talento necesario para situarla como un referente en los proyectos de vanguardia del sector.

“La innovación es parte de nuestro ADN, no entendemos la puesta en marcha de un proyecto sin una visión, global, y disruptiva, porque nuestro objetivo es que nuestros clientes se sitúen a la vanguardia de la tecnología”, ha destacado Alberto Loureiro, director de la oficina Madrid de Altia.