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Investors & Shareholders

Market and financial information

Listed since 2010 at BME Growth

Since 2010, Altia has been listed on BME Growth, the market for BME SMEs. Currently, it is part of the IBEX MAB® All Share.

Evolution Income Altia
Ebitda Altia
Net Debt Altia
Net Profit Altia
Altia Employees
Shareholder remuneration Altia
* Increase in NFD (Net Financial Debt) due to the financing of the acquisitions of Wairbut and Bilbomática. Leverage: 0.6x NFD/EBITDA.
** The dividend per equivalent share after the split executed in 2023.
Consolidated figures since 2019 under IFRS regulations.
Altia Group

Leading, connecting, exploring together.

Digital company with a global vision.

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News for the investor

Fusion Wairbut
Merger by absorption of Wairbut, a company acquired by the Group in 2022
01 July

Since this is an absorption merger in which the absorbed company is entirely owned (100%) by the absorbing company, the transaction can be executed in a

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2023 results
27 March

2023 results Net profit€15.4M50,7% more than in 2022 Turnover€ 241M44% more than in 2022 EBITDA€ 25,2M55,4% more than in 2021

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informe semestral
2023 First Semester Report
17 October

The increase was across the board in all lines of business, areas and territories after the full integration of the new companies in the 2023 balance sheet

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