How did you come up with the idea of carrying out the #AltiaPremia TFG ETSE contest?
Altia has for many years maintained a close relationship with the Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñaría of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, where the Degree in Computer Engineering is taught. We participated in the Business Forum from the beginning, incorporating students into our company with excellent results. It shows that many have stayed as part of the workforce at the end of the internship. For all this, we wanted to strengthen this relationship with the School and the idea of an award seemed to us the best way to do it.
What criteria do you follow when choosing a winning of TFG?
The criteria are varied and the evaluation of TFGs is a very difficult task, as last year's experience has shown us, because the quality of the work is very high. The quality of TFG is also evaluated for other aspects such as adaptation as a product to the business world and its alignment to Strategic Lines of Altia, such as Big Data, AI or Cybersecurity topics.
What advice would you give to the students who want to participate?
First of all, encourage them to participate. I would also tell them to exercise, if they have not already done so, to analyze what applicability TFG can have in the business world.
In addition to the cash prize, what are the benefits of participating in #AltiaPremia?
Recognition I think is important. That a job is recognized in the academic field is part of its career as students, but that a job is recognized in the business field can open many opportunities in the working life that any graduate has ahead of him.
Miguel Ares, Project Manager
Participate in II Edition of #AltiaPremia.