Altia is the only Galician company included in the new IBEX MAB® 15 index, created by Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) and the second with the largest capitalization within the MAB with 117 million.
Altia has been included by Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) in two new indexes created with the objective of giving greater visibility to the companies listed on the Alternative Stock Market (MAB) and to serve as an underlying reference in products and financial markets. These are the IBEX MAB® 15 and IBEX MAB® All Share indexes, which will begin to be calculated and divulged from the 1st of June.
The IBEX MAB® 15 Index is composed of the 15 companies with the highest volume of contracting in the MAB and its composition will be reviewed every six months by the Technical Advisory Committee of the IBEX® index based on the information provided by the companies to the Market and in basis to its activity. Altia figures in this index, as it is currently the second largest MAB company with a (EUR 117 million at the close of business on 9 May).
For its part, the IBEX MAB® All Share Index is composed of all the securities listed in MAB. Its objective is to provide visibility to the companies of the Alternative Equity Market for Growth Companies and to measure their evolution in the market. It has, therefore, no specific number of components.

The new parameters are integrated into the main series of IBEX® Spanish benchmark indexes and will be calculated in accordance with the technical rules for the composition and calculation of this series, establishing as a base reference the 1000 points at 31 December 2015.