Training in Business Intelligence, key to talent retention
To meet the need to adapt to the latest strategic trends, growth and talent retention, Altia has planned two training sessions at MicroStrategy that will take place before the end of this year 2019 and that will train a total of 21 People.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday triple the demand for cloud infrastructure
We are in the week in which 20% of the purchases of the whole year take place. Black Friday and Cyber Monday attract millions of shoppers and this causes the demand for cloud services and infrastructure to triple.
New shareholder remuneration
Vesting of the dividend for holders of company shares will take place on December 2, 2019, and payment will be made the next day.
We opened a new office in Santiago de Chile
After several months of work and coinciding with an emblematic date for Altia, its 25th anniversary, the santiago de Chile office has a new space.
PLATA, automatic translation at the service of the citizen
The Ministry of Finance and Public Administration continues to rely on us to maintain the PLATA machine translation platform.
Superpowers, the last great challenge of technology
Some superpowers that we have so far only seen in fiction such as telekinesis, metamorphosis or photographic memory could be reproduced by technology within a period of less than a decade, thanks to the combination of intelligence techniques artificial with emotion analysis tools.
QuoHotel certified integration: a new impetus for hotel management
Our integration allows reading of QuoHotel data and will drive the digital transformation of Quonext customers.
The open struggle for technological "made in..."
The rivalry for a relevant position has existed throughout history. Today, powers such as China, the United States, Korea, and even old Europe are struggling to reach the top of the technological podium in order to achieve some form of dominance over the adversaries.
In this scenario of almost fierce competition there is no lack of practices that may not be 100% legitimate. In the specific case of the United States and China, the fight and mutual distrust reach unheard of dimensions.
We apply Lego Serious Play for Teambuilding Dynamics
Yesterday, the Altia selection team had a Team Building session using the Lego Serious Play methodology.