Rubén Berbés, Datacenter in Vigo
1. Why did you choose Altia to do your internship? My intention was to do the internship of the Senior FP of Networked Computer Systems Management in Santiago de Compostela, and I had already heard of Altia, I had the company in very good consideration for its breadth of projects and growth.
As soon as I met Vigo’s Datacenter, I didn't think about it and I requested to do it there; I found it very interesting and I was lucky enough to start!
2. How were your first days?
When I arrived, I felt a lot of respect: the number and variety of systems, equipment, platforms... I thought, "I've seen this in the photo, but I don't know where to start!" But the team welcomed me very well, they were lovely and helped me get to know everything little by little.
3. How was your experience in the AltiaDigitalHub program?
I have to say that my colleagues were key during my internships, helped me (and help me) in everything I need. I started with simpler tasks, but as the days and weeks went by, I learned other technologies and tools, with new equipment and systems.
4. Did you imagine it that way?
Not at all! I expected quite the opposite. I thought I was going to do two or three more basic and routine tasks, but I acquired training, learning and growing in roles, and I felt one more of the team.
My experience at AltiaDigitalHub was very complete in every way, I am very grateful for that.
5. What do you think you've evolved into?
Personally, I think I've improved a lot: I have more technical knowledge, I'm able to take on more responsibilities and roles, and I've greatly improved my resolution skills. I feel much more prepared to face new challenges.
6. If you had to define your experience in 3 words, what would they be?
Eagerness, learning and progress.