This is one of the main conclusions presented by Tino Fernández, President of Altia, during the celebration of the First Industrial Forum of European Recovery Funds organized by Asime to address the opportunities that will arise in European funding linked to the Next Generation EU.
During his speech, Tino Fernández highlighted a number of key aspects to consider in order to take advantage of European funds from the point of view of digitization and which he considers essential for Spain and the technology sector to play a relevant role in the next generation. One of these aspects are the "technologies that change everything" and that, for the president of Altia are: 5G technology, Artificial Intelligence, robotics applied to the industrial world, the cloud in all its variants and cybersecurity, “which, as we have seen these days, is one of the issues that can generate the most losses in the business environment."
According to Tino, the European Recovery Funds are a great opportunity to "make a bad critical moment, very bad for some companies, to a good structural moment, which will insuffer a huge amount of money at a key moment for digitization, “he said. For the president, we are at the beginning of a decade of "exciting" and "exciting" change, which will allow transformations in many areas and in which the digital economy, will have great growth and enormous prominence for the progress it can bring.
The President of Altia recognizes that there is some uncertainty in the business world about how the management and governance of these funds will be carried out, a key aspect in which progress must be made to seize the opportunity. Administrative simplification to streamline processes and public-private collaboration are also key aspects to ensure success.

In this regard, Tino has pointed out that this collaboration must not only consist of private economic contribution to implement projects, but that close collaboration will be needed in the design of the entire programme, even in collaboration between countries. "Europe and Spain run the risk of being digital colonies, the big players in technology are others, so we have a major joint challenge,"he said.
The president has also stressed the importance of working and advancing the digital skills of young people and professionals throughout their working lives. "Today we have a challenge in terms of digital skills, technology companies have problems when we look for advanced profiles and are missing professionals," Tino said. And he pointed out that the other handicap we have in Spain is the shortage of women in these environments: "We have not been able to be attractive enough for female talent, so in the challenge of digitization we play with just over half of the total talent."
In addition, he noted that “the digital labour market is now much more global than it was a year ago, telework changes the labor market and today you can hire talent from anywhere in the world, so we have to compete globally."
Finally, Tino Fernández referred to other challenges in humanism and digital rights, where we will start talking about new digital rights that will stop abuses that are taking place today in this regard.